Little Pieces of Spirit (TM)

--the art, poetry, musings of M. David Orr. The focus is on spirituality and living. RSS Feed: (c) Copyright 2006 by M. David Orr

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Appalacian Artisan Society Gallery

Starting at the August 26 Grand Opening, David Orr will be exhibiting at The Appalachian Artisan Society Gallery in Old Fort, N.C., near Asheville. Here is the promotional blurb for the Gallery:

When you're visiting Western North Carolina make time to visit the Appalachian Artisan Society Gallery. Conveniently located in the heart of Downtown Old Fort, North Carolina. Just seconds off the I-40 Interstate. Exit 72 (East-bound only) or Exit 73. When you find the perfect handcrafted item that you can't live without, we will gladly ship it to your home after you have finished your visit here. Just ask us about shipping. The building which houses the TAAS-Gallery has a long history, many of the locals have come by and the stories they tell are of fond memories. Come make your own...

The web site for the Gallery is David Orr's web page connected to the Gallery is David's work is displayed in booth 39 to the forward-right of the entrance.